Well my flambe’ S-2 is nearly back on the road and I am now working on the interior which was cobbled badly by the DPO. I have a new mat kit from Jeff at JAE but before I install that I want to get the doors trimmed and I am certain that the door armrest pieces are not right.
I have one photo from the Robinshaw and Ross book that seems to show an “armrest” piece that overlays the flat panel and finishes with a panel to the bottom of the door. The piece I have is an inverted U channel that is only about 2" high and doesn’t contiue smoothly down the face of the door.
If this makes any sense to anyone who has photos of how it is SUPPOSED to look, or can enlighten me on where to find the right piece, I would be eternally grateful.
Those pieces are exactly as I envisioned them. So big question…are they for sale? If so please email me directly at ross at shinnconsulting dot com. Or if anyone else has these for sale let me know.
JAE have all the trim for the doors…here’s an extract from an email they sent me:
We have the ARM REST COVERS with the die-electrically molded design molded in where your elbow would rest. $199 a pair.
The matching vinyl for the upper part of the door panel is normally $35
New masonite backing panels. Arm rest panel is normally $45 a pair
New masonite backing panels for the upper half of the door panel, is normally $45 a pair.
the inverted U channel is correct. It just needs a nice piece of wooden board
to continue down to the corresponding door shape. Then cover with vinyl, cut opening for the ashtray and bolt on door handle. The u channel snaps over a ruler like steel panel with two small angles welded on. It is riveted to the door card, together with a spacer cardboard. So the U -channel its just hanged in the door card. The fixing with S2 is via the two door handle screws and five or seven rawlnuts in the door shell. (a rubber cylinder with a brass thread insert). Those with 5 rawlnuts will have two selftapers on the lower fixing line. The early S1 didn’t have the inner door handle as a fixing point.
There should also be front fibre glass trims as well.
You can see all in the “Gary Archive” photos - exept the spacer cardboard behind the “ruler”.
I got my interior panels from Frank (as well as my Elan!). I believe he is the original source on these for the other suppliers. Anyway, they look great, and the best part is you can get some plain vinyl from him that will match them perfectly to make your other panels.
I did not use masonite. I used a blown PVC sheet material guarantteed never to warp. I got it from a local high-end restoration shop. Too expensive to ship, so call around and ask what they used. Far superior to masonite or baltic plywood especially for a roadster that occasionally gets a bit damp inside.
I made my panels myself to get a perfect fit and then took them to an upholstery shop to get them done professionally with a little foam backing on the vinyl to make it look a bit more posh.
I am fortunate to have a local Brit car upholstery guy. He said getting the covers put on properly was a bit challenging, so I’d recommend having someone do them.
I would HIGHLY recommend replacing the Masonite/fibreboard panels with plastic. We use Sheffield Plastics “Makrolon” for the job. A good signage shop would also be able to supply you with appropriate thickness 4’x8’ sheets of the stuff. Easy to cut/shape, impervious to water and shatterproof.
Hello DJThom,
your door panels look better than original! I may have to follow your lead on my S1. Mine has no armrest tops which is good news bad news, I have large “map pockets” on both doors but rainy weather leads to wet maps. The plastics idea may solve my problem, with flip top arm rests perhaps.
Thanks, Eric