The bulb for my indicator light blew, and when I removed the holder from the back of the tach, I managed to knock the wire out.
I didn’t worry too much, got another bulb, but have been confounded since as to how the wire can be secured inside the bulb carrier through the red plastic sleeve that protudes from the back.
If I stick the wire in and keep it pushed against the contact, the bulb will flash. But surely I need to somehow resolder the wire? Or do I need to go find a replacement for the bulb carrier?
I haven’t looked recently, but I think the wire goes through a coil spring, through an insulating washer and through and soldered to a small metal washer.
Thanks very much for that Alan, I bet it would be possible to use that item as a replacement, but my original sends only the “live” wire into the holder and the whole bulb carrier is grounded via the case of the tach.