inside door difference

Dear lotuses lovers… I was at work in the garage and during it I realized that two parts of the door of my second car I am giving a new youth are different of my usual race car which is not a 26 R but an S2 made as…I suppose knowing the tremendous amount of knowledge reunited in this forum I will have an explanation …The white car is S1 and doors are (normaly) original…question is… is it normal or is there something wrong
best regards

Hello Roger,

Early S1 cars didn’t have that little gutter to keep water off comming via windscreen through the top door gap. They had an upright rubberstrip rivited with an alloy strip instead.
It seems a field mod, followed by a series “solution” with S2 Cars.
Both door types should have these large drainage holes on the lower surface. It seems they are missing in the red door.

Thanks Emma I have an other part of the answer…red door is an ultra light one and the maker has not reproduced the exact shape (bottom) of an S2 so you are absolutely right… Many thanks As we say in my country I can sleep on my two ears