Inlet runner length

Dear All

 If anyone has their head off at the moment could they do me a favour and measure the inlet runner length (valve to trumpet) so's I can do a few calculations........(harmonics/tuned lengths)

Many thanks



I’ve got an extra Stromberg head that I could pull out and measure, or are you looking for Weber?

Not sure what you mean by “valve to trumpet” …do you want the distence from valve stem to flange (carb mounting face) on a Weber head?

Sorry,weber head please,distance from valve head to the air inlet ie.the curved piece of the “trumpet” in the airbox

John :wink:


I have taken some measurements which are on the attached photo’s.
Not to sure re the “valve head”, but hopefully the various sizes will help.

If they do not, please contact me and I can take additional ones.
The sizes taken are with a steel rule, but if you what micrometer measurements, then let me know.


Many thanks…makes a total of 13.75" which gives a tuned RPM of approx 6000,so my reduction down to 12" approx will take the tuned length up to nearer 7000 rpm…and I suppose harmonics of that…3500 would be good for cruising I suppose…

John :wink: