indicators stopped working tonight

Hi can anyone offer a bit of advise? I was driving home tonight when my indicators starting acting strangely. they started to flash slowly and for short periods, and then stopped altogether. They do not work at all now, not even with the headlights off etc. However when I put the hazards on all indicators flash as normal, therefore no bulbs are out, or individual earths I suppose. Has anybody got any ideas? Are there two seperate relays for the hazards and the normal indicators or something?

Any suggestions are welcome. P.s the wiring loom is new and has been working fine for the passed 2000 miles.




Sounds like flasher unit failure to me. Yes, there are two different ones for indicators & hazard lights. On an Elan, they are just under/behind the dash by the speedometer, but I’m not sure where they are on a +2. Probably in the ‘rat’s nest’ somewhere behind the dash…
Best of luck! :slight_smile:


Or it could be the switch on the steering column, or the wiring to it ?

Hi Simon,

Here’s another possibility; I had the same problem with my indicators and the hazards continued to work perfectly. The earth on the rear light units turned out to be corroded. I initially suspected the flasher relay but luckily I got the answer just before I started digging around behind the dash.

The giveaway turned out to be the green indicator bulb in the speedo glowing slightly during braking which showed the brake lights finding a path to earth back up through the indicator circuit.
Here’s the link;

Hope this helps,


There are two units…one for the flasher and one for the hazard, They are mounted on the back of the dash, just to the left of the steering column (on RHD car) and below the tachometer. They are secured by a small mounting bracket…just pull backwards (away from the dash) and the unit complete with it’s wires connected will comes free. I’m looking at them right now, trying to work out which is which! (I have the dash out of the car).

Try the touch test (you can feel them click when they operate)

John :wink:

John…I’ve got the dash on a chair in the bedroom! I’m mapping out every connection for the dash loom, front loom and rear loom once and for all…I’ll de-mystify this mess yet. It will be the subject of another topic once I have everything drawn out, but the 130 S seems to have many differences to the circuit diagrams in the workshop manual. So once I’ve completed a ‘physical’ drawing, I’ll get a logical one together as well. At least folks with late 130 S cars will know what wires go where.
And I’ll be blind :open_mouth:

Hi There

On my RHD +2s the flasher was on the passenger side of the dash. Get a modern unit and enjoy nice even flashing regardless of engine speed. See the link below. It has a picture of my Ford unit which works great.

Good luck


Hi There

It has a picture of my Ford unit which works great.

HI Bernie,

First off all what a fantastic website you have! very interesting and excellent pictures! I love it.
Thanks for your info regarding the Ford indicator flasher unit.
Do you know of which model it came from?
Just came back form a 1100km trip in just two days, cruising around lake Taupo in NZ, car handled like a dream but I did not make it quite home in one go.
suddenly car started misfiring and later on died completely. diagnosis faulty alternator (lucas) so after purchasing a new battery form a service station we made it home!
Now I am looking for a nippondenso alternator.
I will ring some car yard tomorrow to find out.

Robin :laughing:

I have discovered that I have a wiring diagram for my 1971+2s130 in the back of my owners handbook. It is very different from the diagrams in the workshop manual and has been very useful.
If anyone wants it I can send it if you give me an email address. I havn’t worked out how to post pictures here.

Hi Robin

You are too kind! I think that it came off a 90’s Ford Fiesta, but cannot be sure. It should be easy to find from one of those scrapyards that lists everything and does an OTC or potage service. (Over the counter). It is one of those simple upgrades that makes the car more useable and safe. That sounds like a good trip. I am driving my plus2 (I hope) on a 900 mile trip at the end of March. It is a yearly thing, and I have done the return journey on the back of a transporter more than once. Always seem to get there though. The trip is with a load of like minded car nuts who will attempt almost any bodge to keep a car going.


Hi Simon,

As others have said the flasher units are just behind the dash, left of the steering column. As you said the hazard warning light are working okay just swap the flasher units about, put the indicator unit in the hazards and hazrd unit in the lights. If the hazards stop working and the lights start working then you know its a defective flasher unit.

Here is a bodge I’ve had to use get home - when the flasher unit went I used a short wire with a couple of spades and fitted them into the flasher unit holder which gave me a constant supply to the lights when the indicator arms was moved up or down. If you flick the arm up/down up/down up/down you get a flashing effect. Good enough to get you home without a ticket.


And more fun too! :slight_smile: