I have owned my plus 2 for a couple of years now and its pretty well sorted now.About the only thing id like to change now is the in car temperature when driving in hot weather,not a huge problem at the moment in England i know…Its fine when dry i just have the windows down but if warm and wet its a bit steamy.My car runs a nice engine temp so just wondered if anyone has any ideas for cooling down the cabin temp?
I was chatting to Roy Gillet (a forum member) when he stayed in one of our gites about the same problem. He had installed a simple valve on the heater feed from the outlet under the thermostat housing and turned it off in summer. Thus the heater itself had no hot water in. I’m going to do this mod on my car when I next drain the radiator.
Apparently this cools the dash significantly!
Ian - this is something I recently posted elsewhere, and it may be valid for your car.
I have a 1966 Elan SE DHC and regularily go to Italy via being silly in the Alps. Two problems were an overhot engine especially in traffic at plus 35 or higher and a wife complaining of cooked feet!
Solution to problem one - get a Renault 25 fan from a scrappy and you have two huge fans enough for two Elans that push air from the front and mount with through the radiator fin bolts. Rubber stuck under the bonnet to seal the top gap and a cut up rubber floor mat to seal the lower gap glued in place. Also a four core radiator rebuild. An electronic controller in the top hose and an overide switch on and auxiliary panel and of course an alternator. (driven in my case by a twin pulley system so that the waterpump has its own belt and the alternator belt can then be tight - any one wanting details of this mod please contact me)
Problem two wifes hot feet. Fantastic aluminium bubblewrap type stuff available from car accessory catalogues - expensive - fitted all around the footwell under the bonnet, both vertical and horizontal surfaces, attached by stainless self tappers with built in washers. Then under the carpets on her side, front side and bottom, the rubber? sheet that cooker manufacturers use to insulate electric cooker ovens to keep the heat in!