Ignition wires

I remerber a discussion about using a Petronix ignition system & some discussion about using the correct type of wires. I seem to remember that if you used the wrong ones that you could harm the unit. I can’t seem to find the info in the archives & unfortunately I didn’t keep a copy of it, can anyone help?

I’m looking at instructions for the Pertronix electronic (breakerless) ignition and coil. There is no mention of requirements for spark plug wires.
Generally, manufacturers of electronic ignitions specify that solid-core wire is not to be used; that a suppression type wire should be used. Furthur, it is recommended that the suppression tybe be spiral-core ignition wire.
I’m using MSD Heli-Core spark plug wire which has a helically wound stainless steel conductor.
If your preference is to use solid core wire, I would recommend checking with Pertronix.

Dave 72 Sprint DHC

I also couldn’t find anything in the Petronix literature to state what type of wires to use. The Petronix wire that they sell seems to be like your wire with a stainless primary & a carbon inner secondary.
I just that I seem to remember a thread about someone burning out their Petronix by using the wrong wire & I wanted to make sure of the problem.