ignition timing

I have a S4 with webers .What should I set the ign timing at ? I have seen the setting in the manual but I am using unleaded fuel .I have read the archives so I may set it at manual setting and check for pinling .Any recomendations
Regards John

Lead or no lead does not affect the timing. ( - octane figure does though… ) Believe the bible says 12 deg. static for a "Weber SE " .


Try 25 to 27 degrees maximum total advance as a starting point and then play up and down from there. A standard weber twin cam generally does not need more than this and depending on fuel and compression ratio may need a little less.



I run my sprint on shell optimax (98octane rather than 97 usual “super unleaded”??) plus millers VSP and set the timing at 10-12 btdc and so far no pinking or probs.
