Ignition timing taboo

I’ve always had a bit of a mental block with timing but reading through the archives here I think I have it sussed.
I’ve had a slight hesitation on pick up that may be due to timing. I’ve checked everything else
Now I know this will appear very basic to some but I’ve checked my timing with a timing strobe light at approx 750rpm and its about 8 degrees , if I want to try to advance a little say 2 degrees , which direction do I turn the distributor body and by approx how much i.e. as a approx measurement on the circumference of the body of the distributor.
Would 10 degrees be OK for Super unleaded + castrol additive?




To advance the timing 2 degrees, the distributor must be rotated 4 degrees clockwise or about 2.65mm. It’s best to use a timing light.

Thanks Frank I just had this mental block as to which way to turn!
I’ll check it with the light after rotation.

Thanks again


Hi Terry

I run my Plus 2 130/5 with 10 degrees advance on super unleaded with castrol additive and have no problems at all. In fact a week or two ago the local filling station had run out of super so I was forced to fill up with normal unleaded. The car still ran ok


Thanks Andy
I think the car was set up on a rolling road at 10degrees and then retarded because the PO was using standard unleaded. So back up to 10degrees it is and hopefully the little hesitation will go


had also noticed the same sort of hesitation…
tried playing with the timing on my 30yo distributor without much sucess…
Then (for other reasons) fitted a distributorless system (based on megasquirt)…
And the hesitation went away…
I think the problem was caused by scatter at low revs with a worn dissy!
(now running at 10 degrees on super UL when I can get it…)

Thanks Tim ,my dizzy is about 20000 miles old and is of the newer 45?? type.
Fingers crossed the 2 degrees will sort my hesitation out too
