Ignition Fault

Hi all
Have just spoken to my garage where lotti is in for her MOT and apparently she broke down on the way back from the weigh bridge due to the Ignitor Electronic ignition module going to open circuit. It was a brand new module I fitted last summer and haven’t had any problems with it till now and obviously will be going back to the manufacturers for investigation. However, I was wondering if anyone else had had any problems with an Ignitor as I have onyl ever seen good things about them.

Also, my plus 2 S130 weighed in at 900kg, is this about right?



Weight of a +2S/130 is 946kg according to the handbook, so yes you’re in the right area.

Can’t help with the Luminition I’m affraid - still on points. I did however have an optronic system fitted to an X-1/9 I had years ago and had no problems with it.

Hi Andrew

No problems with my lumenition but there is a handy test procedure on their site. I have heard of the earth rusting inside the module casting, so you may need to open the module up and clean/ remake the contact.



Hi Andrew

I forgot to say, hope you have a good Burns night.

It is a Petronix Ignitor II rather than a Lumenition module that is giving the problem. I have a spare Lumenition module sat in its box waiting if I decide to replce the Petronix by Lumenition.

Sorry can’t have been clear in my post.


Have had one Aldon ignitor (same system I believe) go caput recently. Annoying as I was trying to start a rebuilt engine.

Interesting. Are you running a ballast resistor plus cold start bypass from solenoid for starting?

the FF2000 car we run here was having problems with the transister distributer system failing if the ignition is left in the on position when not running—fwitw -ed

I have had two or maybe 3 Aldon Igniter 2 systems fail in the last few years.
I could not understand why and began to engage brain on the problem. Also had a chat with an electronics guru for an input.
I can state that my last one failed when near new. I see similar threads appearing, and this is what I did, and believe the cause. The problem may also affect other systems by the way IF I am right in my analysis.
I fitted the last system late last year. I had removed the sump to renew big ends and wanted to crank the engine over to get oil pressure in a very cold garage. So plugs out and leads lying where convenient.
Lots of cranking and as it happens no oil pressure - slight under filling of sump and too cold! A few days later and another litre of oil, more cranking in a warmer environment and yes - pressure. Plugs back in, and try and start. No spark. I had noticed that the electronic rev counter no longer showed any life when cranking without the plugs in place.
New plug leads, new coil, another set of plugs and still no spark. Threw in spare dizzy with points and immediate running.
My guess and confirmed from a modern day boffin, is that running without the plugs being able to discharge for a long period whilst cranking, caused a back load into the coil. This then took out the pick up of the Igniter.
I am 90% certain that the previous one failed in similar circumstances.
Conclusion is that when cranking without the plugs installed, remove the connectors to the coil and Igniter.
To put it another way I will certainly not in the future crank the engine over without plugs installed whilst looking for oil pressure! I am happy to be corrected on the cause, but having removed rev limiter and other bits of kit I am reasonably confident this is an answer.

I would agree with your diagnosis as with all the starting problems I have eben doing lots of cranking with the plugs out and in, plus I have eben leaving the ignition on which agrees with another post. Had already been thinking that if I installed another one I would fit a seperate ignition circuit switch, such that I could take the ignitor out of the circuit in the manner you suggest during these times. I like it as a piece of kit and the engine ran well with it in till it failed. My other thought was whether the cold start system could be causing problems, in fact given that the supply to the ignitor is from the top of the ballast resistor yet the cold start lead goes directly to the coil, would in fact the Ignitor be getting any volts when the starter is turning over?

Has anyone out there had a similar problem with a Lumenition unit or is it just confined to Hall effect type units?

Am still waiting to hear back from the supplieraving emailed them on Friday, am not impressed.

