Idling Problems Solved, My Plus 2 has its MOT

Thanks to a great day’s work by Andy at Spyder, my Zetec Plus 2 is running smoothly and now has an MOT… Phew.

Problem was with the throttle pot, which must have a break, or some other wierd track problem. Took Andy a while to find it, only when we tried another pot did it all come good. Glad it wasn’t something stupid.

Andy also gave my car a good looking over and thankfully spotted a weeping fuel tank union. Need to sort out bits of trim and a few slightly dodgy electrics and we’re done.

Got enough done to get its MOT though, so it’s ready to tax.

Fine day’s work (or watching work, in my case!)


Yippee. Congrats. I really must get around to popping over to see you. :smiley:

Congratulations from me too Niall!

I’d love to see your car too - If you’re around any time over the weekend I’ll bring mine over and we can compare notes!



Hi Niall

Well done and congrats. It’s agreat feeling
I too would love to see your car sometime. have fun


Hi Niall

Add my congratulations to the list. There is plenty of parking space outside yours so why don’t we all drive down and meet for a chat one dry day!

All the best


Hi Berni

Great Idea. I’ll put the kettle on, you organise the weather !!!

Seriously, not a bad idea if anyone else fancies it. I live near Edgehill, N of Banbury. I’ll probably be tidying the car up next BH monday, if anyone wants to call by.
