.... Hydraulics ...

:slight_smile: … This is to ask you, “The racer’s”, about your brake & clutch systems .
I planned to change all the systems on “Old English White” but clutch master cyl. failure force to accelerate the modifications. :confused:
So , that 'll interest me , is to kown who as an hydraulic system for brakes & clutsh with non-integral master cylinders and separate reservoirs (specially usefull when having a RHD Elan with weber’s and a big airbox). :sunglasses:
Please tell me (and show me your installation)about your part choices and their make . I am a bit scared by the different solutions and dimensions available proposed by the specialists and don’t want to spend money choosing the wrong parts or dimensions .
My car 'll never be a 26R so ,we are speaking about non-adjustable bias brake syst. and a standard clutch. :wink:
I already have two Girling brake fluid reservoirs and their twin support … What about the rest ?
Christian. :slight_smile:

According to TTR not enough room to fit in a dual cylinder and balance bar system. They sell an in line dual cylinder arrangement that comes with remote reservoirs. If putting in a new system easiest to talk to them rather than develop your own. The later USA federal spec cars has dual inline master cylinders as original but it did not have remote reservoirs and dont know if its still available.

I have a similar arrangement on my Elan using a local Australian made (PBR) dual inline master cylinder. I dont currently have any photos of it and hard to get as buried under the carbs !


:smiley: … Hi Rohan ,
As I wrote , I don’t want to change the two systems … I only feel convenient to change the place of the reservoirs because of Rhd and the airbox … this force me to replace the two “integrals"master cyl. and having seen many cars with such system (racers mainly), I still think than it is a nice way to have “a look” at the level , better anyway than trying to fill the original master cyl. thru the carbs . :confused:
Don’t tell me than nobody try to do such mod. , even for a non racer ! :stuck_out_tongue:
Just want to ask you (or anyone who as done it) size and make for non integral master cyl. and the correct stash to adopt at all the ends (specially for the tube from reservoir to master , because the rest will remain unchanged).
In the forum’s archives (yes , I do made research first!!! :wink: ) I only found the some dimensions for the clutch : master: .625” , slave : .875" (what about in & outlet ?)
Is it still right ?
Christian. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Old English

Do you mean a master cylinder with a remote reservoir? something like this:

secure.visav.co.uk/avshop/produ … 29&scat=64

Any help? or clouding the issue?

:smiley: … Hi Sadlotus ,
You are dam ’ right ; this is what I’m looking for !(You can have found them on Burton power’s website)
I wonder about the number of viewers of the post … can’t believe why this arrangement is not one of the most used . :astonished:
For me , in a Rhd car , kipping the integrals master cyl. for brakes & clutch in this place is a complet error . :wink:
Even in Lhd , most Elan racers have the same -look at the pict. in my gallery , the 26R don’t have her engine , but make it more easy for the purpose - :unamused:
So , I am still in nead of the correct dimensions , in & outlet , for these non-integral masters cyl. , the correct stash (2-3or4?) from the reservoir , and your experience of it .
The two dimensions I grab in the archives for clutch master & slave cyl. are just a start , and I definitly nead the rest of it to order the parts .
Thank you all for your time . :smiley:

hey white Lotus ----mine has the dual master bias set up not a big deal — it requires cutting the fender fire wall and making a small plate to keep the rocks out ----use the small Lockheed masters and put rose joint in the brake pedal to take the clevis pins and the bias bar-----wan t some picS??? :wink: ED

I’ve fitted master cylinders with remote reservoirs to my S4. The “see through” plastic reservoirs are mounted with a bracket onto the bulkhead & connected to the master cylinders with stainless braided hoses. Making the completed hoses yourself is a fairly simple task & the finished job looks good & checking fluid levels just means opening up the bonnet!
TTR suplied me with all the bits I needed. They are also available from places like Demon Tweaks or ISA Racing Germany.

:smiley: Hi ,
It has always been clear to me … :bulb:
Yes ! , I definitly want to have a look to your systems , and I am sure not to be the only one … With arround 240 viewers of the post , it should be interesting for all ! :open_mouth:
Now , John and Ed , just tell me about the references of the masters cyl. you have on your cars … because even on pict. , I 'll never be able to know or read their dimensions & capabilities …
Thanks for help … :wink:
Christian. :stuck_out_tongue:

Master cylinder bore sizes are as standard (don’t have the dimensions presently avaiable). Cylinders replace originals directly unless you want to go down the dual circuit braking system where you will need to fit a balance bar etc.
Check this out you will be able to get information on all the parts you will need:-

… Hi John , :smiley:
I check the TTR parts list but didn’t found a clear solution (for clutch) apart ask them and … buy !
I will phone TTR and maybe pickup the necessary on my way to Donington march … :unamused:
No doubts they 'll aswer to my needs , they seems to have a (very) good reputation arround you guys , hope only to pay the right price … :wink:
I 'll give you some news when all sorted out ,
It should be usefull for other.
Christian. :stuck_out_tongue:

[size=200]old english white[/size]

why do you use funny colours in your postings?

IMHO they spoil the consistency of the board, and just glancing at them severely buggers up my eyesight.

The default black on grey is [size=200]MUCH[/size] easier to read

LOL :laughing:

Are you kidding? I didn’t think conformity was really that important to vintage Elan fans.

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds” Ralph Waldo Emerson

THE PICS ARE posted in my album—2 pics one of the master and reservoirs and one of the pedal set up :sunglasses: ed-----[btw does France have a hockey team???]AND WRITE WHAT YOU WANT IN WHAT COLOUR YOU WANT ----NO CONTROL FREAKS HERE they are all in mecca

… Stop please !
Don’t spend time or (bad)words on it .
Marc is the first one to have something to say on my … writting!
To write about The Elan should have been better and we are still waiting for you , Marc .
Christian .(in black for this time only!)

That’s better, not difficult was it?

Oh FFS Christian, I was restrained before and I’m trying to be now but green text simply looks total crap, the kind of thing you’d find on rice boy forums.

… Thank you all of you guys , :wink:
I am back in italic bold & color , :stuck_out_tongue:
Ed , your picts show me your baby has “the full monty” … That’s what I will have , one day … but for the moment , I will do something like that without the twin brake masters cylinders . :sunglasses:
And yes, we have a hockey team , not that bad , but not certainly good as yours ! How is it doing at olympics ? :unamused:
Christian. :slight_smile:

Martin, please , read me for the last time if my way make you sick and one advice ; write on Elan , sure you are better to.

the mens team is having kind of a slow start at the Olympics this year :blush: —girls did ok :stuck_out_tongue: —the other pic of the scoop is at the bottom rear of the car and cools the diff fluid via an electric pump in the trunk —ed

Good for you, Christian - you can write how and in what colour you like as far as I’m concerned.

What exactly is a rice boy forum anyway?

Christian, please take the time to review the thread.

I certainly don’t have a problem with your fonts and color. Do whatever you want. Trying to obtain a single font and color seems, to me, an effort towards a foolish consistency. In this forum would rather have good information, than it be “pretty”. The forum “designer” critique of your messages was Martin’s.

:imp: … Ok , you , people sensible to color and “for rice boy” font : let’s write on my post on hydraulics AND only hydraulics .
Since today , I never had a single message or MP about my way . If I am wrong Jeff will send me a word (on MP only) but ; if things should turn your way (W&B only…), I 'll quit .
This choice of color indended to match my enthousiam and differences but if YOU don’t accept that … just look to my gallery , I have a present for you…
Christian. :cry: (Who can’t believe what he wrote!)