Huco Fuel pump

Has anyone used a genuine Huco 133010 electric fuel pump?

German made, pull type, 120 litres/hr

Used to be listed by Webcon, but no longer it seems.

Yes. I had it in my Plus 2 S130/5 with twin Dellortos and it was very good. Quiet, too. You could hear it when you turned the ignition on, just, then when it stopped you knew the carbs were primed. After all the cold cranking effort previous to the install, having the car start first time everytime was a huge relief.

I discussed it in this thread: viewtopic.php?t=46315&p=332391

Thanks for that.

Just a couple of points from your previous thread.

Huco say the pump should be mounted horizontally.

The 133010 is a pull pump. Engine comp.

The 133000 is a push pump. Boot mounted.

Not sure what exactly the difference is though!

I too am tired of cold cranking after lay up. And sucking fuel through.

What ever happened to pump cranking levers I used to have on my A35.?

I have a Huco pump on my Sprint and very happy with it.
Its a push one that generates about 2psi. It sits in the boot at the back next to the tank.
I also wired it up to an inertia switch to shut it off in an accident.

I also have the 133000 mounted next to the fuel tank in my S4. I would say that it works perfectly.

As I would like to do the same with my S3 I have just given Gower and Lee a call (they supplied the previous one). Unfortunately they have no stock of any of the Huco pumps, saying that there is a problem in sourcing them.

I see that there are some on Ebay, but located in Latvia. Not a risk that I’m prepared to take.

That’s where mine came from, delivery was prompt… no issues.

Hmmm, thanks Phil, perhaps I should reconsider. I won’t be needing one for a while, so I’ll see how it goes regarding UK stock over the next few months.


Try Fast Road Cars in South Wales

Just tried them. Nil stock, and he doesn’t think they’re available in the UK (he actually said “not available anymore in the UK”).

Looks like Latvia it is, or perhaps an alternative pressure type pump.

Funnily enough I have been looking for this Huco pump this week to no avail (apart from the Latvian and Polish EBay items which I guess would be subject to tax and delivery is about 4 weeks). One of the suppliers said that they no longer supply them as Brexit has introduced too much red tape.

I have bought from Latvia and Poland via Ebay before without problem.

Carriage cost is more of course.

But delivery was prompt, and no taxes to pay.

Ebay would reimburse you if anything went wrong.

There still seem to be UK sellers on Ebay with Huco pumps though.

Keep it simple.
Why not use an aspirator bulb from an Outboard Engine Fuel Tank?

Please show me where Huco say it should be mounted horizontal.

This company selling the Huco 133010 say it must be mounted horizontally
See here:- … duct_id=92


Thanks Alan,
Strange they say this because Webcom don’t nor do Huco. I think they are wrong and getting mixed with the old S U Pump which had Points and different. Many problems with S U Pump fitted to a 1071 Austin Cooper S on rear Sub Frame exposed to the elements.
I have a Huco Pump in the boot of my TVR 3000S and boot of my TVR 3000M. They are both vertical and no problems for the last 7 years. Lots of Kms driven no problem at all.
Easy to fit and Inlet and Outlet can be orientated to install very neatly.
Personal choice i suppose.

Huco don’t mention horizontal mounting.
But a note from Anthony at FRC does.
Give him a ring?

Strange Anthony at FRC seems to know something Huco (who designed it) don’t.
I think i prefer to follow Huco the makers.

Received the Latvian/Ebay Huco 133000 pump today that I ordered last week. I really shouldn’t have worried, very good service. Not too bad for £77.60 all in.

Glad to hear it :smiley:

I asked Anthony at FRC to explain his reasons for the pump being mounted horizontally. Will advise