How tricky or easy to replace throttle cable?

Can anyone tell me from experience how difficult it is, or how easy, to swap the throttle cable on a +2 with dellortos?

Any snags I may encounter or any cheats?

The current cable is getting frayed and the ugly home made setup by the PO (it’s on K&N’s) isn’t wholly stable or reliable; set the tickover and rev the car a few times and next time it’s too fast or slow because of flexing and movement.

I was considering swapping for the much sturdier and easier to adjust competition type twin cable. Something like this - … ctionID=49



Hi Mark,

If you are fitting a standard cable, then its a very easy job. Unscrew the old adjuster from the pedal box, release the crimped ends from the pedal under the dash and the bracket off the carb air box and its out! Possibly the easiest job on a +2. I made my own new one up with components bought from Vehicle Wiring Products, much cheaper than a bought one.

I’m not sure about fitting a double cable. I’ve seen the fitted to various cars and always thought they look a bit over the top and not very’Lotus’.


I have a similar setup on my '65 S2. RD Enterprises carries it in the US. It’s a single, not double, cable setup but it fits pretty easily, has a low profile to avoid those nasty kinks in the cable, and has a strong return action. I don’t know if it’s available in the UK, but you can probably find it there.

my ‘original’ turned out (as identified by the guy in Halfords) as an 80s vintage BMX brake cable! My replacement modern mountain bike break cable (circa. ?5) has done a very nice job ever since. One tip I got from another post on here that’s been invaluable is to lubricate the cable though… just a splash of DW40 on the cable before you slip it through the sheaf is enough to stop that troublesome sticky throttle syndrome

Yanked mine out of an early 90s Mazda Protege. Much better (and cheaper) than the original.

2nd using mountain bike cable, preferably with Teflon lining, for throttle. There should also ideally be a bending limiting external spring where the cable emerges from the pedal box.