There used to be a way to tag “friend or foe” so as to limit the nuisance of some users (fortunately rare, but still) prolific with posts that do not fit the the “lotus” book in one’s eye, with say political, religious or otherwise spurious content reducing the signal to noise ratio: is that something that can/will be implemented to help keeping a streamlined “latest” page? or possibly remove some venting off sections like “parking” from showing up in the “latest” file?
We have two levels of hiding and ignoring different users based on your level.
Spectators (1st gear) and Pit Crew (2nd gear)
You can Hide a user. This will suppress all notifications and personal messages from designated users.
Drivers (3rd gear) and Crew Chiefs (4th gear)
You can Ignore a user. This will suppress all posts, messages, notifications, and personal messages from designated users.
Instructional Video
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