How to stop oil drips on the drive

How to stop oil drips. :blush: from over the pond



I’m a bit skeptical. I don’t think it will work unless you’re willing to limit your driving to no more than one week per month.:wink:

Hmmm, just trying to invision a suitable one for us, 13 feet long by 2 feet wide… :open_mouth:

I want one with wings… :sunglasses:

Escort ‘Big Wing’ sump is what you need! :unamused:

I think some Paracetamol in the oil could help.
Coat on and gone


Alternatively, how to stop oil drips on the drive? Park on the pavement… :stuck_out_tongue:

:arrow_right: Matthew

I found myself wondering who ‘Viola’ might be - his wife? girlfriend? Perhaps it’s her tampon.

41 uses for WD40

2 uses for tampons

1 use(d) condom

What’s next?

What’s this forum ‘coming’ to?


Yes the forum is degenerating…people will be posting about “stripping the old girl” next!