A freind of mine has just been showing me a performance calculator. Although it can’t take everything into account, it does seem to be quite close for our standard cars.
e.g. Audi S4, 265bhp, 4wd, 1512kg → 5.58, should by 5.6!!!
I put in 140bhp at the flywheel for my +2, and a weight of 850kg, and got 6.4sec out. Then I added in my weight, and it went up, somewhat!! If I put in 126bhp and 850kg I get 7.02.
What a nerdytastically great tool. I thought people might find it amusing.
I found it illuminating, that in order to lop 0.5 secs off my 0-60 time I either had to go on a diet and lose 70kg - which is unlikely to happen, if I’m really honest with myself - or bump the bhp up to 152 with a new set of cams, or consider converting to a Spyder chassis, which, I think, is lighter than the original, or find other cunning ways to reduce the weight of the car.
On the Audi S4, a ?400 chip replacement puts the power to 315bhp, and the tool says that’ll put the 0-60 to 4.77 from 5.6. That’s almost into V8 Esprit territory from an estate car! My chum is seriously considering it…
I think it’s a useful tool to asses mods etc and their bang for buck.
Just need to get my car on the road now so that I can see how close it is to the prediction - I’m due to phone in the morning to see if the body’s ready. If it is I might get it on the road in time for going to Hethel 3rd week in May - bit of a challenge but I can at least try.