How does the intermittent side light switch work?

I can’t seem to figure out how my side light switch and relay work.

I am in the process of replacing the loom with the dash out. I have checked out the functioning of the spring loaded dash switch with an ohmmeter.

I can’t see how it keeps the sidelights on if it is only hot momentarily. Any help appreciated. My headlights are failsafe, and micro-switches are located on the vacuum switch body.

As I am re-configuring the loom to a Lucas Uniloom, I need to understand this mystery a bit better to wire the dash switch correctly. I would prefer not to change out the sidelight switch, but I can’t see clearly how it works to keep the side lights on when the switch only closes momentarily.

Here is how the side light dash switch seems to work. Could have it wrong?

According to the wiring diagram, circuit one below goes to through the sidelight micro switch on the headlight vacuum switch to the output of circuit two. Circuit two connects directly to the red wires that power the panel switch and the exterior side lights. The side light switch is powered by purple, hot at all times (fused).

  • While the dash switch is in the centre NEUTRAL position, circuit one is hot, circuit two is off.
  • While pressing the dash switch to the ON position, circuit one remains on, circuit two is on.
  • While pressing the dash switch to the OFF position, circuit one is off, circuit two remains off.

Side light relay appears to be in place to make sure the side lights come on if you pull the headlight vacuum switch to the ON position, but I don’t think it effects the on/off action of the side lights. Not terribly concerned with the headlight action, as will put them through power relays signaled by the side light power through the micro-switch and dip switch.

Really trying to figure out how the sidelights stay on when powered by the momentary switch.

I think I figured out how this rascal works. :astonished:

I had one wire missplaced on my circuit drawing. Also, I found an excellent description of the switch function in the electrical section of the workshop manual.

Now on to the hazard switch! :confused:
