Perish the thought that it could ever happen, but if my '68 Elan S4 broke down, how do you tow it? I’ve been under the car today and there seem to be no obvious places to attach a rope without doing some damage.
Thanks for any replies.
On a trailer?
On a trailer or roll back tow truck is best, but still how does one strap it down? It’s not a good idea to use the front frame tie down loops for towing as they will tear, but they will work for strapping it down on a bed. Looping canvas straps over the front and rear lower suspension arms, either at the frame or outer upright ends, four straps or two threaded through, one for the front, one for the rear, works. If you’ve got wheels that will allow straps to pass through, you can hold the car on with the wheels lashed down.
Also, the type of tow truck that has the adjustable wheel scissors works if you can roll the Elan up over them and the nose clears the tow arm. Always supervise the work or do it yourself. Most of our American tow drivers aren’t too savvy when it comes to low fiberglass cars.
How about
Actually I had an early(ish) Spyder Chassis which had a tow loop welded to the X-member. (maybe they still do?)
It was a fine way IF the towing vehicle was relatively low itself, but it still was a problem for any tow-car with a raised hitch. The bottom side of the bodywork being susceptible to rubbing, particularly from any knot in the tow-rope.
Best bet was to have a large loop and the knot well ahead of the bumper.
Lotus chassis Elans cannot be towed from anywhere on the chassis. The only place to attach a rope or webbing is on one of the front lower wishbones. Again as mentioned before, if the towing vehicle has a high hitch, use plenty of rags/felt to prevent the rope from scuffing the nose under-tray. Tying the vehicle down on to a trailer is best done on the wheels with ratchet straps over the tyres two on each tyre at 45deg and anchored firmly. As for towing with an Elan, don’t.
The other answer but its fairly specialised is to have towing eyes on your sumpguard. In truth not many people have sumpguards but if you do have one then make sure its got an eye. For the rear we have a bracket bolted to the underside of the boot.
We’ve had to use both so we know it works!
Peter & Allison
So where does one obtain a sump guard for an Elan? Or does it have to be specially made?
Just curious, being a rally fan and an Elan owner and wondering if the two could one day be combined…
Hi all any pics of a sumpguard front fixing must be tricky.
Well on the subject of towing all the answers above are all well and good, but, when your stuck you have few options.
Having had my elan towed twice this is about the best you can do. I always request a flat bed rollback truck, actually pretty common nowadays…I have them pass a tow strap,which I carry with me thru the two from frame holes by the front wishbones or around them.Then, I also carry two small 2x4,s in my trunk and I use them to clear the rear entry point onto the rollback flatbed .trust me without them the angle to get it on the angled flatbed is to steep . once it is on the flat bed they use web straps around each wheel to prevent any movement I use AAA and for $50 membership you get 3 free tows a year…if you do it this way the tow truck guys are happy and do a nice job…
72 elan sprint coupe
Or you can use a plastic garden hose, it won’t bend or break anything, and, when you’re finished, you have more hose than you started with!
Wellll being an old race car 26r s2 33 has a simple hook welded on the front cross member ----I suggest you have one attached ----HOWEVER —if you trailer or have the car flat bedded tie the car down at the wheels using the holes in same to secure the car— that way the suspension moves and no suspension bits get bent — --ed
Before welding to the front cross-member, please do bear in mind that it is the vacuum reservoir for the headlamp system and will almost certainly contain petrol and certainly petrol vapour.
I thought we were past using kerosene lamps —ed
I’ve always heard Swedish steel was the best but…
What do you have these attached to and what passes through the eyelet?
welllll the rear of the ‘y’ appears to attach to the front rack mount on the chassis through the body and the loop at the front accepts the hook most likely to adjust the front steering geometry when used though -----it appears a little flimsy to me but maybe the tow truck drivers over there are a little more gentle than the ham fisted dolts here —Ive seen the Mosport tow truck drivers flip cars on their roll bars with the driver on board and mine was dropped from 6 feet off the hook at Mosport ----no driver on board — -but it might pay to hook up the oil cooler-ed