Since I fitted new bushes in my steering column I now have the horn sounding every time I turn the steering wheel. I have checked the centre horn push but looks ok, can’t see an obviouse short. Has any one had this problem who can lead me in the right direction.
I had this problem when I had a Triumph GT6 , if your SE4 has a collapsible steering column you need to slacken the clamping bolts under the dash and ease the steering wheel towards you, it doesn’t take much.
I am 99% certain the Elans/+2 are the same. The column switchgear on my +2 is Triumph.
Don’t forget to retighten the clamp! Regards John
Hi John,
Thanks for your quick reply, I didn’t think mine had the collapsible column but I will check it out tomorrow.
Thank you.
Tried adjusting the column this morning and it seems to have done the trick. Many thanks.