Hood fitment

Hi all,

I’m in the process of fitting a new hood as part of a restoration and i’m not totally convinced the hood has been made right. It’s not the best quality made hood I’ve ever seen and unfortunatley I don’t have an original hood with which to compare. As you can see in the piccy below, at the front where it fits under the aluminum ‘cant rail’ there’s a 1/4" flange of trim at the end. I know not everyone’s hood is good at speeds but this is only going to aid lifting it off :confused: ! Would anyone be able to post a picture or two which might show how much excess material protudes forward of the metal inserts for locating the front of the hood. I’m expecting a trip to the trimmers to get the hood modified but it would be of great help to at least know what an orginal was like.




guess most people have fixed heads then !?

I can’t send you any photos since my car is in the process of renovation but I do know that the hood never looked like yours. It should not have the upturned lip like yours. Maybe you can take a photo of the top of the windscreen without the hood in place, then it might be obvious to us where the problem lies. Was your car converted from a coupe to a DHC?