Hood/Bonnet Tool

This simple creation may solve a problem that many Elans don’t have, but I know of at least three cars, including mine, that do. Simply put, it takes two people to open the hood (bonnet) in cars where the spring is too weak to pop it free of the latches. The picture should make its design and construction fairly obvious - all it does is hold the bonnet pulls out so you can push down on the front of the hood and try to get your fingers under the rear to lift it. I didn’t invent or make it (it was in the car when I bought it) but it appears to be home made.

The two wood pieces are made of a laminated hardwood and are 11/16 inch wide, 1 3/8 inches high, and 5/16 inch thick. The slots are 1/8 inch across. The distance between the slot centers is seven inches. The wood pieces are chamfered at the open ends. Obviously none of these dimensions are critical. The string passes through a hole in each wooden piece.

After using it for quite some time now (for some reason, I seem to need to open the hood more often than on my Toyota truck) the only improvement I’d consider would be a red “Remove Before Flight” tag since I’ve managed to leave it in place a few times while driving.