I bought was 1965 S2 DHC unit 3996 out of US. an old photo shows the registration and that the car was white, the picture shows a lot of damage to front drivers side (RHS) and rear of shell.
I’m hoping someone has some knowledge of it UK history, where it was registered etc based off the number.
The body however is S1 light weight the passenger scuttle air vent has not been opened aka 26R and inner rear guards have S1 26R bulges, the shell has had major hit front right and rear been replaced.
Thanks Tim, I’ll scan the picture and post it tomorrow. Who was it sold/invoiced to out of interest?
Its a surreal time, we’re in semi lock down in Sydney, expecting full lock down in next 3-4 days.How are you all travelling in UK? My neice is a physic who has just been retrained and as of today is working in Whittington ICU!! We’re feeling slightly apprehensive about it.
I should have added that CG is the Bournemouth, Hants licensing office, whilst GC is London SW.
In 65 the dealer for Hants could have been Clifford Sales, Sparshatts or Quadrofoglio Motors, all in Southampton. However, most likely would be Swanmore Garage in Bournmouth. An interesting comment about them n here several years ago by redskatejbf, which you may enjoy:
They were a bunch of total tossers I am afraid in my opinion. I live near Southampton and they were at that time my local Lotus dealer. I was in their local and a silly old biddy ran into the back of my Élan with a Morris 1000 and tore of a corner of the fender and damaged the under side apron. As they were the agents at the time I insisted they repair it. Mistake big time they removed the fuel tank but dropped insulating tape into the tank when reinstalling it, so for several weeks I suffered from intermittent fuel starvation, it took me some time to work out that they and the tape in the tank was the problem. I subsequently realised that when they had the car for repair they used it for their own enjoyment as the tank was almost empty and the mileage was some what higher than when I left it. On a slightly different ‘tack’ I have the opinion that all Lotus dealers at that time (1970) were incompetent and that is why the Lotus marque has a poor reputation it’s not down to the car or its design it was down to the numptys who were supposed to maintain them. My S4 has never let me down perhaps because I have never allowed a Lotus agent to work on my car apart from the first free 500 mile service and they Rob Walker garage were the first and only garage ( apart from Swanmore ) to show me the standard of the total incompetence of the standard of the people that Lotus used at that time.
I’ve a few of the original factory records with these details, but not this one.
I will be in contact with Andy Graham, I’ve most of the car other than the engine which was sold by the fellow I bought the project from, I do however have the engine number as its noted on the title (registration) document.