Hidden surprises!

One of the delights of Elan ownership is it’s constant ability to surprise you.
Earlier in the year I had to take out the fuel tank to sort out a blockage, and look what I found taped to the side of the tank, just perfectly hidden from view under the top flange and close to the inner wing! :smiley:
The expiry date on the packets was 09/1994, so this exhonerates the previous owner!

Well, what’s the story is here then? A free pint for the best suggestion! I hope the previous owner wasn’t planning on using them in the car…

Maybe someone recognises the car and could enlighten us ?!


How very strange. :open_mouth:


Lucky you, perhaps it was once owned by a contortionist. :blush:

Its bad enough getting in the car let alone a leg over… :wink:

You’ll get half a gallon of petrol in each of those :laughing: You could run out of fuel three times.

Should be easy enough to get the nozzle in but it might be a bit tricky when you have to pay.

Well if they were that well hidden you can guarantee they were for illicit use. You may have just dropped someone in it!!! :mrgreen:

Yes indeed, but I figured 15 years odd later he could proabably laugh it off…!

…Oh! …I wondered what happened to those, I use to use them as a puncture repair kit…honest! …can you please put them in a plain brown envelope and send them to …
:laughing: :laughing:

I’ve always wondered what was meant by “Special Equipment” on the Elan.

Or is it “Super Safety”?


It makes the tank look bigger!


From the photo it looks like he had a can of WD-40 stashed away as well. Is that another of its little-known uses?


There must have been a mix up at the factory as I believe they were standard issue with a Plus 2 toolkit…apparently to stop the spread of “Baby Elans” … Och! I need to go and wash my mouth out now…got a bad taste after using the “B” word.

Being silly now! obviously a safety tank. :laughing: Curly

if there were 3 Id say the previous owner was an optimist —ed

You must have a Sprint, just went out to check mine and found only two.

If you had a Sprint, it would be over before you put it on. :wink:

In 1963 as a high school student I bought a 1959 Simca for $250. Now the Simca was a very quirky car, but it had a front seat that would recline fully, which gave me a certain amount of status amongst my peers. Imagine my surprise when, upon trying to fix something electrical, I found a box of 24 condoms stuffed up behind the glove box! I often wondered how they got there, but it has been an interesting memory over the years.


If you have no use for them - blow them up as use them for air bags…

Hi Jerry,
I think Simca ran ads a few years later in the USA that announced the new 36 Pack 1300 cc model. It looked the same but mentioned longevity improvements.
I’ve also read that Corvettes from the same era had large boxes packed full of real tiny editions in the spare tire well.
