I am a current Lotus Elise owner having owned 2 over a 10 year period. I have been active on track days with both Elises and other cars but in my advancing years it is a case of ’ been there done that’. I am now looking forward to fulfilling a teenage dream of owning an original Elan. Having built my own track car I am reasonably ok with spanners, sheet metal work and fibreglass ( not so great with electrics ! ) so I think I can handle 50 year old car. I have got the restoration book but to be honest that might be step too far at my age so I am starting to look for something to tinker with and improve rather than a major restoration. No fixed ideas yet on Elan or Plus 2 both have their attractions so I will be following topics on here to help me decide.
Welcome John!
Unless you have a burning desire to restore a car, buying a drivable example makes a lot of sense. The challenge is finding something that actually is drivable, and isn’t in desperate need of renovation.
There was a period in history when the Elans didn’t get the attention they deserved, or where hacked about by home DIYers, and many a drivable example is a horror show under the surface. The mechanicals usually survived OK, but the wiring can be an ongoing problem. The wiring was substandard from new, and there are many threads on this forum of owners trying to unpick bodges done by previous owners.
Having said that, the prices of used cars seem to have softened, and the cost of restoration gets higher and higher, so from an economic perspective, paying up for a good driveable example can be a good decision.
Good luck.
Welcome John
Both Elan and Plus 2 have their merits and either are great cars.
I own an Elan Sprint which I think is an incredible car, but I would quite happily own a Plus 2 with more refinement and 4 seats. I could even be tempted by a Spyder Zetec conversion.
The Plus 2 is the cheaper option and gives you more car for the money. Very Rough price guide:- Plus 2 start about £16K. £20K could get you a reasonable one .
Elans start about £18K. £26K gets you a reasonable one.
Take your time and ask lots of questions and between us all we should be able to get you the Elan that’s right for you
Hi John
I had Elises too, one brand new in 1998 and the other more recently with 9000 miles on the clock (a 26 year old). I had a Plus 2 and now an Elan S4 which is being restored. Andy’s advice is spot on, don’t buy a restoration, it’s horribly expensive and the price of Elans right now means you will waste a lot of money. Too late for me unfortunately!
I saw an Elan go for less than £12k on an auction site recently, and it was a good runner with some major money invested. Needs a respray but does it matter when the body doesn’t rust? That same car would be (actually, was) asking £25k a year ago. I would focus on auctions (small local ones, not eBay or big name auction houses) and I reckon you’ll do well. Forget the classified ads for now, the owners / dealers still think it’s a seller’s market. I’m now firmly of the view that it isn’t.
Do let us know how you get on!
Welcome John! Living in Merley, I’m probably just up the road from you, wherever you are in Poole. Happy to talk anytime about the joys of Lotus ownership, I’ve had my S4 for three years now, and you’d always be welcome to drop by for a natter. Oh, and if you join Club Lotus there is a very active local group here in Dorset and environs. Good luck with your project. Jonathan
Hi Jonathan, thanks for the offer. I need more exposure to the car of my dreams ( never even sat in one) . I was at Purbeck sports cars a couple of weeks ago getting my Elise serviced and there was a yellow Elan there which really inspired me to join this forum . Could you let me have your contact details ?
PS. I have just moved house so Elan ownership is a medium term aspiration, lots of shelves to put up yet!
Hi John,
I have recently done what you were asking about and bought a reasonable (original) car at auction. Risky but paid off for me. The main thing with it not being perfect is that I am not precious about using it and have already clocked up about 500 miles in the last few weeks because it is fun to drive.
I hadn’t driven one before either but certainly was not disappointed.
So keep looking and be ready to pounce when something comes up. It is not like it is not fun looking!
Thanks for your advice. Having just moved house I am not in a position to purchase just yet, too much to organise especially my garage. But as you say it is fun looking
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