Hi from soon to be +2 owner

Just saying hi as an expectant +2 owner, I have attached a picture from the vendor.

I’m looking forward to you lot helping me sort out my inevitable issues with a 50 year old car.

Welcome to the Lotus Family. It looks like a nice +2


Is that the one with " bubbles" on the rear quarters?
Couldn’t tell if it was osmosis or a bad wrap ?

John :wink:

Edit… And a hole in the boot lid covered by a LOTUS sticker?

Looks awesome, what are the plans for the new acquisition?

Hi all

@John yes bubbles are most likely osmosis and yes the sticker on the boot covers a hole, she is not in concourse condition :slight_smile: but she is lovely.

Immediate plans are to enjoy her for this summer with a view to sorting out the spider cracks and bubbles on the body before getting her repainted over winter.

I am currently assuming she doesn’t need and immediate mechanical attention but once the car arrives I will have a better idea. There is a random angle iron bar in boot that looks like it shouldn’t be there and doesn’t appear to be structurally attached, I’m assuming that isn’t normal.

Looking for dry storage in Bristol area if anyone can recommend.

Welcome , and look forward to many happy miles of real motoring , the angle iron could be the boot floor support , post pictures when you can .

John :wink:


Welcome - the Plus 2 looks nice. Where about are you based?

She is very nice, bit of a culture shock as I was driving my wife’s 21 plate Mini Cooper. Also I haven’t quite fathomed the lights yet, I think I have dipped headlights but no full beam, and how to switch on only sidelights is a complete mystery!

Not quite sure of its age and hence wiring diagram but the light switch should have three positions, up is off, middle is sidelights and down is headlamps on. Depending on age you may or may not have relays in the headlamp circuits and separate fuses. Some had a system that if you pulled the knob to operate the vacuum pods to bring the headlight up but didn’t switch the headlights on they would flash on and off. Initially the headlights were spring to hold the pods down and vacuum to put them up, later versions were the opposite and called failsafe. The failsafe ones tended to gradually come up if you leave the car parked for some time, if they come up almost immediately after switching off the engine you need to checkout the vacuum pods and piping. Worst case scenario is that the front suspension cross member is corroded as it’s the vacuum tank, hopefully it’s not that!

Cheers it’s a 1972 +2
It is the headlights drift up over a day or so kind.
It has the turn and pull headlights switch, assuming turn for sidelights, pull to pop and ignite headlights. Stalk only seems to have up and down with pull to flash.
But currently:
Knob turn pops headlights (but off) with sidelights on.
Knob pull seems to have no function.
Stalk pull is pop and flash (but dipped).
Stalk up is just sidelights.
Stalk down is dipped on.
No idea how to turn main beam on, assuming it’s a wiring issue.
There seems to be no headlight relay but the horns are relay actuated (relay looks new so no idea if original wiring).
Loom has ‘loose’ ends so much investigation required, of course it might not be original or even the right loom.
None of the total of 4 fuses seem to have any connection to the lightning circuit.
I need to trace the wires to see what is what, unfortunately car in storage for a week or so, therefore that job will have to wait.

Ok, that’s much newer than my 1967 car so the wiring is different, hopefully someone with a similar aged car will join in. Looks like a wiring diagram will be essential. The horn compressor did have a relay as standard so it may just have been replaced if the original one failed. If you don’t know them already I suspect you’ll soon know the wire colour codes off by heart!