HELP! Opinions required for source of oil leak

I’ve been getting oil spots just under the heater hose by the exhaust see picture

I’ve checked the breather.
It does not seem to be coming from the oil filler cap as there is no oil on the outside of the seal???
Possibly the cam cover but would this be more of a weep rather than a spurt
I’ve fitted a plug cover to the dipstick in case its coming from there (I thought I’d cured it!)
I’ve re checked the oil level and now I’m about 6mm below full
I also get a slight smear on the top of the alternator , at the front and sometimes at the rear on the black plastic
The engine has only covered about 20,000 miles since it was rebuilt by QED.

Has anyone had similar ?

Thanks and I know its a bit boring but at least its not about Trunnions!


my guess would be a small leak the front pulley seal or around te front cover somewhere hitting the alternator pulley / fan and being flung around


Thanks for that, the thing I can’t understand as I thought it may be being flung as it were but there is nothing on the underside of the bonnet?


Might be exhaust manifold to head gasket leak. You dont have a slight clicking noise under acceleration do you? Failing that could it be the head gasket?..Hope not!

Alex B…

probably where the head meet the timing case, just above the alternator. Inoming air will spray it backwartds.


Had another good look this morning, I have a small patch of oil under the car directly under the rear of the alternator bracket. So a small amount of oil must be dripping onto the bracket and then it is blown up, but where from???

No comfort to you of course, but my car has the same mysterious symptoms. I just wipe it off and carry on regardless, but that’s me all over I’m afraid. :smiley:

That is not an oil leak, just operational tolerance :laughing:

My bet would be from where the head meets the timing chest. Mine has a little dribble from there resulting in spots on the alternator and other random spots from the drips being blown around whilst driving. On the positive side oil leaks prevent rust :wink:

So I’ll stop worrying then (and cancel the engine hoist!)

So I took the alternator off , cleaned all the area , fair bit of loose silicone around?
Took it out today for about 20 miles , no spits (?) but some clean oil on the little shelf under the head on the far left hand side. I think the leek must be where the frontcover meets the block and head. Does anyone have any comestic fixes as a temporary measure. Would a silicone plug work , or a small piece of sponge to mop things up? We’re only talking a small drip every 20 miles?



Hi Terry,
Not really any good temp’ fixes. Slabering it in silicone might n might not work for a while but will look terrible. If it were me? I think I would just give it a clean with a rag and a skoosh of brake cleaner.

Normal Lotus …A wee leak is nothing. Fix it next time it is apart. I would not strip it just to fix this either,but thats just me.

Alex B… :sunglasses:

You could try taking out the bolts that hold the front cover to the block (one at a time) and putting some thread tape
(ptfe) with a sealer on them and retightening, I’ve had oil work its way along those bolts before.

i once had success temporarily sealing an oil leak in this area with the 2 part expoy used for temporarily sealing fuel tank holes. It comes as a two component tape a couple of millimetres thick which you kneed to mix the 2 parts and then mould into the hole to seal it.

I worked well for over a year until i pulled the engine for an unrelated rebuild.
