I have used resources here on and off for a year or so , thought now I have a runner it was time to say hi. I live in Eversley in Hampshire UK on the Hants Berks Surrey border. Eight years ago I moved here and the neighbour had an old plus 2 on stands with an engine in bits in the corner. It wasn’t his , he was storing it for a friend. After watching it rot for another 6 years I paid too much money for it and took it on.
It now runs. It still needs lots doing but you can drive it, so a success. I am used to battling old Triumphs (GT6 Spitfire and Stag) so this fibreglass thing was new to me, but we got there in the end
Here it is vaguely finished. although without door locks and it needs painting badly after 25 years stored. But it has been saved, and I can live with that. I’ve got more photos , but not sure you want them peppered all over the board by a new member. Maybe I will open a topic in Plus 2 section once I feel at home. Current issues are running too hot as it has too much junk in front of rad (moved servo there, plus air filter plus motor for headlamp pops) and servo not releasing instantly, teething problems we will call them. She’s fought me all the way, she must have been quite happy in a garage and didn’t want to come back to life.
The colour is ford royal blue, it was repainted from white (badly) long before my appearance on the scene. It also has had a front end on it (badly) long before I was on the scene. I can tell this as when I was rebuilding I had to trim the front arch in front of the wheels as they were catching. The nose is about 1/2 inch further back than it should be.
This also caused at a later date the bonnet to catch on the front panel when being opened , and it cracked my brand new paint on the bonnet… This issue is ongoing so I will either have to cut the entire front end off and re affix it in the right place, which is sub optimal, or do some gentle fettling with a file on the nose where it is meeting the front of the bonnet as the bonnet/hood is opened. I would rather keep her on the road now she is driving though, pulling the front end off is a last resort
The whole thing needs paint eventually, but she also needs windows that go up and down, a drivers door that fits, a boot lid that closes better, a cooling system that cools better and the interior needs help(like carpet and door cards)
Yes my relationship with a GT6 is ongoing, I built her from scratch and shes MY car. The Lotus I will give to my wife. I like driving her, but I enjoyed saving her more. The Lotus is a far far superior car in every way. And as I get older I wont be able to get into the 6 but until then my heart is with the GT6. .
I am not sure where I put ongoing “what you are doing to your car” threads, but if I can find/start one I will update all the pitfalls I found when building from a box of bits, and maybe this may help others down the line. I must admit I found building the engine easy, when compared to others, in fact my 14 year old lad built most of it, I just timed the cams.