Once again i need some help for my out of the box project
On may +2 S130 beside the Thermostat House there are 2 Connections.
The left is the angled Heater Connection. This Connector for the heater hoose has a Diameter of 13mm.
The Rest of the Heater Parts, the Radioator in the Heater Box has 16mm Connectors. Is that right, do i need a Adaptor to connect the Heater Hose für the 16mm Connector on the 13mm Connector
On the right side of the Picture seems to be a kind of sender Unit., butt there is no Connection to fit a wire on it.
Maybe this Part was broken away. Dooes anybody know which part it really is
I have not measured to diameters of the heater connections, but would think that a decent quality hose would cope with a 3mm difference…
The sender on the right is for your temp gauge. If the connection is broken, you will need a new one.
Of course; I forgot that one detail. What does occur to me though is that the spigot appears to be a standard brass plumbing fitting though, and while I don’t know how it works in the UK, but in my observation for some reason over here fittings mostly stick to either halves & quarters OR eighths, or at least not translate halves and quarters to the nearest eighth. But a machinist could certainly make something like that and I think that’s what LM had done. I certainly couldn’t find such a fitting at any plumbing supply merchant.
Yeah they standard UK plumbing fittings, BSP(P). But like here you can get fittings with different barb sizes for the same thread size. Would find it surprising if the right fitting wasn’t commonly available at the time.