Heated windscreen....

I decided to go ahead with the repaint on my plus 2 Spyder convertible. Still in the MG Zircon silver blue as it is lovely. As I?m taking the windscreen out thinking of putting a heated one back in. Firstly would you recommend one? Where would you source this and the rubber seal in the UK? Also the chrome strip? It?s a 1972.

Here she is. Paint much worse than it looks…


Nothing wrong with the paint , but you should get rid of the minilites and source an original rear bumper…

Wine , a good servant but a bad master…

Sorry , John :wink:

Very helpful thanks. Might be time to stay off it for a while. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Any other advice?

Not touched a drop since last night , glad you took my comments kindly…your car IS gorgeous…

Any other advice? , enjoy it , use it , whenever and wherever you can.

John :wink:

Thanks John. People do tell me that. I?m a lucky chap. Can you help me with the questions I asked or are you simply filling your time? :smiley:

The only point I have to make is that I never knew that heated glass was available for the Plus2…

John :wink:

I have one fitted to my +2 Zetec, it?s very useful to demist the front screen generally as well as defrost if parked outside overnight in the winter. It was fitted back in 2008, my +2 uses the BMC Mini window rubber with the plastic chrome filler strip.

Spyder would be able to advise on fitting as well as supply. Mine works via a timer relay and push to make rocker switch on the dashboard, as both front and rear screens are in the same circuit it draws in excess of 30 amps, you certainly notice a change in engine note at tick over when it kicks in and gives the alternator a workout.

Here?s a link for the screen heatedwindscreen.com/acatal … creen.html

Thanks Alan. Very helpful as always.

Are you going to the Birmingham show?



Hi Rob,
Yes I will be there for at least one day on the Historic Lotus Register stand as well as Club Lotus, most likely Saturday and Sunday, but could be Friday and Saturday depending on what support we get from other members.

How are your lightweight spinners? Don?t mention them to John in case he?s been at the chateaux Neufch?tel de plonk again…

Interesting, I too was unaware that this was available. Does it have embedded wires, or some other technology?

It has very fine wire filaments sandwiched in the laminate. I first had a heated screen in the early 90?s on a Ford Orion (uk compact sedan) this was in the days before aircon was a common fitted item to everyday cars. It was a really useful item and it was memories of that car that made it an easy choice to fit a similar item to my +2 when I had the opportunity.

I think it was a Ford patent and unique for a few years, eventually it found its way onto other marques , I had one on my last BMW Mini back in 2008.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Is there a plus 2 heated screen available?
The link above is to a standard screen. Looking under the heated windscreen heading I can only see screens to fit the Elan S1/2 & S3/4.

Just had a look at the link and it?s for a standard laminated screen… doh!

They are definitely available for a +2, but perhaps they are made in small batches because of limited demand. I will ask Spyder later today if they have any and how much. I seem to remember mine was around ?250, but that was a few years ago

It does indeed Alan. See you at Birmingham.

I contacted Dan at Evans Motorsport regarding the +2 screens, his reply is below.

I have bought heated windscreen for a TVR 1600M which i think is the same as a plus 2 elan from “UROGLAS”.

Uroglas were mentioned in this thread but the current website doesn’t give any details…

If anyone is interested the US shipped price for the +2 heated screens above (Ricky Evans Motorsport) is as follows:

Clear and heated windscreen - Door to door (to Nebraska) 503 UK Pounds fully insured and shipped.

My guess is that this is DHL Express.
