Headlining fitting?

Has anybody fitted a replacement headlining?
The P.O. sprayed this one black and did not do a very good job plus it has a couple of minor tears in it. To bring it back to the original white will brighten the whole interior up. Never fitted a headlining before I would like some advice please.

Hi Geoff,
Absolutely no idea. Currently waiting for CN to deliver my new head lining - its only been 2 weeks now.

When I do get it and have a go, I will let you know.


Yes I have.

Hi Brian,
There was I thinking that you had got into the wall paper idea! You had me fooled.
Brian - Did you get new foam with the kit? And also what glue did you use?

It looks as though the you need a lot of the old “bull dog” spirit!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Wall paper…nah! …couldn’t find a pattern the wife liked :laughing: actually I tried spraying it matt black first but it had a couple of splits in it.
Its a couple of years ago but I dont remember any form, I was supplied with
(1) the lineing with built in pletes that you slotted the stays in which is cut/stiched to shape and is oversize (needs triming)
(2) a piece of material that you cut to suit the 1/4 panals, those panals had form on them, this piece was quit large (see pic for excess and the glue)
I have since tried to get some more glue but cant find it.
Yes its a bit of a mission to fit and you think you will never get all the wrinkles out but you have to stretch it a bit at a time, do it in HOT weather and even use a hot hair dryer…may the force be with you!

Hi Brian,
I found this some months ago when I started to look into a new head lining - Not sure how good it is? (see link below)

I think I will order some and give it a go; alternatively a friend of mine has a brother who is a carpet fitter - he may have a similar product.



here’s another one

frost.co.uk/item_Detail.asp? … e%20(500ml

hi guys,

I’ve fitted a couple of headlinings, not only to elans but other cars too, The spray adhesive is available from any hardware store, its just an expensive but convenient form of contact adhesive. In the past i used a fan heater, and few dozon bulldog clips, a ball point pen(strong wooden sprung clothes pegs may do) and adhesive (Evostik Timebond is my prefered). Slide the rods through and fit them to the roof with the headlining dangling. \hold the headlining roughly in place with the pegs then gradually work out the wrinkles by pulling taught and re pegging, the fan heater helps to make the roof more compliant and elastic. When happy with the tension/fit, use the ball pointto mark the edges so you can regain the correct positioning. Release the clips/pegs and apply the adhesive as per makers distructions.when the adhesive is ready pull tight to your pen line and re clamp! if you use time bond, further adjustments can be made, not so easy with the spray contact stuff.

PM Matt, he’s done a super job on his headlinning, i believe he used sections of door seals as the tensioning clamp!



I fitted new headlining in my car about 5 months ago. I got it from CN and ive got to say it was a good fit and like the original.
I was rebuilding my elan at the time and had no screen in it and no rear window which helped.
I used the black trim that goes on the inside of the screen at the bottom on an s130. I cut it into to small sections and used it to hold the headlining tight while I glued it in place (with evostick).

I’ve got to say I turned out very well.

If your roof bars are rusty I would prep and paint them before fitting your lining.

If you need more advice pm me.

hi I am about to do this,problem is I have webasto folding sunroof so it is not possible to fit rods,has anyone else ever done this,I think I have to glue it front and back and also over inside frame??

Hello ‘El Torro’,
I realize that it has been a few years since you did the headlining on your Elan, but I was wondering how it turned out.

I’m about to do mine (it’s an S3SE FHC) with a Webasto sliding sunroof as well.

Did you run into any issues and/or did you discover any helpful pointers?
