Headlight Vacuum

Anyone know how the headlight vacuum system releases the vacumm to drop the headlights (non failsafe).
My lights pop up and stay up but to get them to drop i need to push and pull in the headlight switch a few times. They drop a bit each time. :unamused:




 I believe it is in the switch itself. Could be fixed by disassembly of the switch and cleaning the release port. It's a good thing the lights stay up!

Elan S2, Caterahm 7

Thanks Rob,
I looked at the system and could not see a way of releasing the vacuum, I didā€™nt think about the switch.
I will put it on the ā€œto do listā€ and let you know.

Thank you

I have an S4, but I think the switch is the same. Thereā€™s a little block of rubber that slides back and forth over the 2 tubes that control the entrance and exit of pressurized air. It is held in place by bent metal strip that is moved by pulling out the light switch. Could be yours has moved out of position. The switch is not intended to be dismantled, but can be. Here is a post with pictures that could be of help:


Good Luck, Dan


Just one remark.
I remember working a lot on the non failsafe vacuum system of my S3 several years ago.
At one point, I swap the two vaccum tube on the switch. I mean the one from the carbs at the place of the one to the vacuum pods. I remember I had some strange behaviour of the system and wonder if it could not be your problem. I am far from sure of what I write but I thing it is worth trying as it take a few minutes only (however with our Lotus what you think will take a few minutes lasts sometimes several hours :cry: )
Good luck.



I think Olivier is right at this point.
I have repared my headlight switch recently
In the headlight down position the rubber block inside the switch closes the carb vacuum tube and opens the headlight tube. This way the headlights are released.
When you have swaped tubes the headlight tube is closed in the down position and your vacuum (carb side) is


:mrgreen: Fantastic
The headlights now pop up, stay up and drop down. 3 out of 3, first time in 25 years!!!
It was the tubes on the wrong way round, I wonder who could have been daft enough to have done that !!! :blush:

Thank you for the help