Headlight Problem

Can anyone assist ?

This weekend I took the headlamp mechanism on my plus 2 ‘failsafe’ mechanism appart to stop the headlamp pods rubbing and to centre them.

On relacing the springs and the vacuum rod I have found that the vaccum does not have the strength to pull the lights closed and even if I use my hand I cannot close them.

Please can you advise in which order the springs should be replaced, which is tensioned the most and where does the rod go.

I am sure that it must be something simple

Not sure how the +2 headlight pods are secured so I will comment based on my S3 Elan. The bobbins in the headlight pod are threaded with a suitable bolt from the body into these threaded bobbins. If the pod is too far to one side when raised they will “screw” the pod to the body and halt movement. If the +2 is the same check that there is adequate clearance for this movement.

Hello Andrew, do you have a shop manual? I can email you pictures of correct spring placement if needed.