Has anyone bought a car from?.....

Just looking at the +2 currently on Ebay, item no. 4612259049. Has anyone bought a car from Cresswell Classics before, any problems, good reports etc. I’m just thinking of putting in a bid, but haven’t had chance to look at the car. I know its a big risk, but the price does look good from what I can see.

I don’t know how good they are but he’s asking ?5000 for it on his web site?

So if you can get it for under ?3000 sounds like a bargin

I went to see this car…trust me ?3k is ott…
also it may have a full history but he managed to loose it for my pre booked visit!!!

Thanks for the tip Gareth, it went for a bit higher than I was prepared to pay anyway, but its good to know I didn’t miss out on too much of a bargain!

Based on my experience buying and selling cars on the internet, I strongly suggest viewing the car before committing to ANY price. Or, if you have a knowledgeable trustworthy friend to send to view and drive, great. On the 'net a car dealer presents one set of potential problems, and private individuals (at least in the USA) often have misinformation due to ignorance and mis-diagnosed mechanical woes, regardless of the marque. Perceptions can honestly be miles apart for seller and buyer, I say view before you buy.


When I first started looking for a Plus 2 I asked a similar question - see the topic headed “Looking for a Plus 2”. This car was mentioned a few times - worth taking a look.



Sorry, the link for the above is


Sorry to digress but what is the matter with your gearbox?
John :wink:


Probably best if I send you a PM to explain.
