Hard Top For Elan Sprint Dhc

I’m pretty new to the world of Lotus Elans, my only previous experiences being (1) lying to a girl in 1973, telling her that my Elan was being serviced, hence my driving up in a Ford Anglia (1500 GT engine though!), and (2) helping a friend rebuild his Elan +2.
I’m seriously contemplating the purchase of a very nice 1972 Elan Sprint DHC, but wondered whether anyone ever made a detachable hard top for them, and if so, are they obtainable?
Any info appreciated…as well as advice on what to be aware of in the way of pitfalls for the prospective Elan Sprint purchaser.
I live near Oxford in the UK.

There may be a few original hard tops knocking about with the usual breakers. Tony Thompson advertise hard tops for all Elans.

If you are looking to buy a sprint, make sure it is a real sprint and not a copy. It is quite easy to take an S4 and add some paint and stickers and hey presto one sprint. There is quite a good general buying guide on http://www.bestelan.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/

If you have not already done so join Club Lotus and / or Lotus Drivers Club as the club magazines have plenty of adds.

Good Luck :smiley:

Hardtop ???
I think you`d be better off buying a Z3…or a life !!!

Thanks for info re hard tops - regardless of other peoples opinions, they do have their uses!
I’d heard about the fake Elan Sprint scam, so how do you tell?
Chassis number of one I’m looking at seems to be in correct sequence, commences 7206 and ends with G.

If there was enough interest to fund a mould being taken from my hardtop… i’d get some made!!!

the rear screens ain’t cheap though…

Are Lenham still around?

I’m sure they used to do one

Why not just buy a FHC?

I was going to make one when I stumbled across an S3 top - chopped from a coupe, not a removable hardtop (yet). Anyone want to buy it? SoCal USA. Crate/shipping is a problem but can probably be overcome.

Take no notice of the less than helpful comments from sk178ta, he appears to be a S4B, only been a member for a matter of days too!
I have kept an eye out for a reasonably priced hard-top for my Sprint for about 4 years now; nothing has turned up yet. I’m not sure why I am doing this, as I very rarely drive with the roof on anyway! Just kind of like the idea of having one.



Sorry if I gave offence, just a joke cos round here you never see Z3s with the hood down. What is an S4B? Im an S3DHC, but Ive been an S2, a previous S3, 2 sprints, and 2 Elises, in fact still am one.....but an S4B......no dont get it.

I wanted to fit a hard top to my Sprint but was warned that they ‘mark’ the bodywork.


Thanks for all the helpful comment and contacts regarding the hard top - and like a number of you I am quite sure that the Z3 crack was intended to be offensive, otherwise why the suggestion to buy a life?! Not sure that’s possible anyway. Still, the great benefit of Internet forums is the world wide reach and the freedom of expression and opinion afforded, and I wouldn’t want to be without it.
Back to more serious matters. I was delighted to find from early publicity photographs that Lotus Cars and Jim Clark obviously appreciated the potential benefits of a hard top on a DHC, so factory hard tops obviously do / did exist. I guess I’ll just have to keep my eyes and ears open, and if it takes 4 years, so be it!
Why was I looking in the first place? I remember the huge difference to the handling ( yes, I know that it’s a subjective term, especially when compared to that of any Lotus!) of my Triumph TR5 that was made by the fitting of the factory surrey top, and wanted to know if the same applied to the Elan. Interestingly enough, if fitting one does mark the bodywork of a DHC, and it’s not just down to poor rub prevention, then presumably some forces are being redistributed?

When I first got my S2 (in pieces) there were marks in the bodywork where a hardtop had been rubbing, after two rebuilds and two resprays the marks are are still slightly visable dispite being taken back to gelcoat (can only be seen in certain light conditions) it was not a factory h/top and I do not know what rubbers/sealing were used. I did use the use the h/top before I got the soft top but find it a pain as my head almost touches the roof and it does not fit well around the door windows.
With the h/top on it is quite noisy inside although my F.H.C. is not as noisy, the S1/2 and the S3/4’s have different h/tops and if I rebember correctly Jim Clarks was an S1 or S2 as I saw the car at Goodwood ? a couple of years ago, I think is now owned by on of his ex. mechanics.
Rgds Brian.

I used a works hard top on my S2. Yes, it did mark the body. It is only held secure at the rear by one 1/4" bolt either side just behind the B post where the soft top side moulding pins fit. There would appear to be a fair bit of flex in the body and definitely in the top and even with a pad between it seems inevitable that marking will result.
As an asside, I don’t think there was a works top for later than S2 but I probably will be corrected. Also, mine is untrimmed and lacks the proper front screen surround fixings (I cobbled some myself) but does have a trimmed parcel shelf. Without the gutters you WILL get wet!
Another aside; if you have a hardtop don’t be tempted to fit or remove it on your own unless you have some kind of harness with which to lower it from your garage roof. Some damage is almost certain to happen as the unsecured hardtop twists, the glassfibre being very thin.
'65 S2

If you are looking for a stiffer body then why not go for a Spyder / TTR 26R chasis with roll cage? Yes I know this is a bit more effort to fit :wink: However you can still have open top motoring B)

My S4 dhc has a Spyder chasis with roll over and side bars and I find the whole thing very rigid for an open car. Only the roughest of B roads cause the screen to shake. I would think that the fhc is the ultimate for this, after the 26R is a fhc.


I think you will find that 26Rs are all DHC. Otherwise, wouldnt they be 36Rs? :wink:


What’s a z3 ?

I think the reference was to a BMW Z3 ? :frowning:
Rgds Brian

Oh, a zzzzzzzzzz3, yawn…
(I looked for a clickable smiley with tongue in cheek, but there wasn’t one)

Having now had meaningful debate on the benefits, or otherwise of hardtops, can I make the following observation: my Elan, on the few occasions that I have driven it with the canvas (double duck) roof on, is far noisier than when the roof is folded and even worse; I recently had a trip in a FHC and it was just too loud! I still want a detachable hard top but I don’t know why.

Also, on the subject of Z3’s, I would just love a Z3M- nothing less, as a daily driver, fat, ugly, a girly car but wow does it handle and go, also you can be reasonably certain that it will start every morning no matter what the temperature. Jim, my roof would always be down, even in Buxton in December!
I shall now retreat to the bunker again.


I have a very nice Z3 2.8 with all the kit inc hard top for sale at the moment if you are interested?