Happy Birthday and Best Wishes to Bob Herzog!
Hope you have a great day with your lovely bride.
Dan Wise
Happy Birthday and Best Wishes to Bob Herzog!
Hope you have a great day with your lovely bride.
Dan Wise
Happy Birthday!!
Thank you, thank you!
I spent the day doing what I like to do of course; working on my next restoration - Cheyenne!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB! I’ve been in Florida about a week now, getting the house in shape. Just before we left Ohio, I had 6 good wheels soda blasted, so they are ready for prime and paint. Other-wise no progress on my restoration, but that will change next week. The coupe has got to be ready to make the trip back to Ohio next April.
Sorry I missed this. You must be thrilled to know you share your birthday with Taylor Swift Party on, Dude!!
Hi Bob,
Happy birthday but how old are you
I’m the same age as Dan Akroyd, Liam Neesan, Patrick Swayze and Mr T.
Just glad to have another birthday.
So I…
Chase the Ghosts out of Elan projects like Dan Akroyd.
I beat the heck out of the broken Elans until they give up and dance like Patrick Swayze.
And I Pity The Fool who buys the Elan basket cases that even I won’t buy!