Having removed engine from the project + 2 for rebuild I now have a nice empty engine bay to do final sorting out before refit.
One question that I’d love an answer to is this.
The hand brake adjuster where it screws into the chassis near gearbox exits right inline with the 4 way brake union and fouls on the protruding brake switch.
The union is nailed onto the hole supplied in chassis but looks like it could do with moving either an inch up or down…I don’t really want to re drill a new galv chassis to acomplish this.
Should the outer h/brake cable pass under or over the switch? and does it enter car in hole next to steering column?
Why on earth did they put the switch inline with the adjuster as at present it’s awkward to screw it in.
Final point, does the outer cable/shroud just push against the bulkhead hole? ie its not physically attatched.