Handbrake Cable

Can anybody describe or e mail a drawing of the route the hanbrake cable is supposed to take as it exits the chassis by the diff. I have just spent a couple of frustrating hours on this and cant seem to find a satisfactory path.

Maybe I am looking to overcomplicate this but there doesnt seem to be an obvious exit.


Should be a piece of cake,exits the chassis,over the A frame and hooks on to the “tree” extension

I see that but I was looking for something to retain it or a whole to go through. It look too close to the prop , but if thats the way then fine.

Thanks for response

I have an Elan S2 (1965) but I believe the cable routing is similar. After exiting the propshaft part of the frame, it goes through an oval opening in the “Y” portion of the frame and then directly to the tree. Quite close to the drive shaft is normal. No hangers or any other reasonable fitments are used. I tensioned everything with the adjuster in the front wishbone near the engine mount.
Good luck
Paul Zimmerman