Guardian Angels

In case you have not been following my progress across country on my Cross Country Elan blog (first of all why not? And second of all, shame on you. :smiley: ) I want the Elan community to know of two of our own who saved my bacon, went far beyond normal help and gave me new life on my adventure.

First is Ray Psulkowski at RD Enterprises. Not only a great supplier and a good friend, he provided time, expertise, parts, a work space and tools along with room and board for three nights to repair my catastrophic damper failure.

Second is Glen S who is well known on this forum. He was with me upon arrival at Ray’s place, went home and then came back an hour and a half drive the next day to provide his special expertise and general knowledge.

I am so grateful to them both that I wanted to publicly acknowledge them. They are Lotus heroes, both!!!

The long version of the story is here:

Moderator, where the heck is the “Like” button?

Ray has always been helpful and kind with his help to so many of us. Thanks for helping Ross get back on the road!

Safe travels, Ross.

Dan Wise