I have bought a set of braided flexible brake pipes for my S3. One pair is a bit longer than the other. Would I be correct in assuming that the slightly longer ones are for the front, to allow for steering movement?
Or is that too obvious a conclusion to arrive at? Or is it the other way round to allow for different suspension movement at the back?
I have binned the originals so I can’t compare them.
It’s been too many years since I replaced the brake hoses on my Elan with steel-braided hoses to remember which go where. I would, however, like to caution you about routing the hoses. I was driving slowly near my home and braked as I approached a stop sign. The pedal went to the floor and I sailed through the intersection! Luckily there was no one coming on the cross road so no harm done. I cruised very slowly (1st gear) back to base and discovered the brake disc had worn through the new hose. I am currently Lotus-less but hope to get another Elan next year. If it hasn’t been converted to dual-circuit braking with steel-braided lines, that will be the first thing I do on the car.
The set of braided hoses I purchased a while ago from Paul Matty’s and recently fitted to my S4 were (I’m pretty sure) the same length… I had no problems with fitting them.
The rear lines are longer on my S4 Elan. However there were a number of different ways the rear lines mounted over the years and i am not sure about them all.
Hi Tony,
Have just measured original old brake hoses from 1966 S3 S/E.
Front hose: 9 1/4"
Rear hose : 10 3/4"
Dimensions are the length of exposed hose and do not include end fittings.