As there are no replacement glove boxes available, I am in the process of refurbishing the existing one before fitting it into a new dash. There is a 36mm diameter hole in the back of the box - what is this hole meant to access?
Mine has a rubber plug in it. Really wasn’t useful for anything I could think of until I attached the circuit board for the transmitter for the garage door opener to the back of the box. If I want to change the code, I remove the plug and the switches are right there.
I thought the hole was there to allow access for adjustment of the hood/bonnet latch cable on the inside of the firewall. But it doesn’t line up with the cable.
Hmmm… I have a rubber grommet/plug in mine too - but no idea what it is to access.
Others on the forum have previously advised that if you can’t source a replacement and your original is sufficiently complete to use as a pattern, they made them from suitable thickness cardboard and rivets. Sounds straight forward enough?
Spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning refurbishing the existing glove box and its pretty ?perfect? when viewed from the inside. I just need to find a grommet to fill the hole.
Saved myself some money, but it annoyed the wife as had promised to do some gardening. ?That bloody car again?.
The black flocking material inside the glove box is available from hobby suppliers. I used spray adhasive and shook the flocking onto the glove box inside a plastic bag.
Brian, no answers yet to a self proclaimed stupid question? Are we a knowledgeable group or what? How about it’s a box from another car and the bonnet/hood release pull was located there? Riley 1.5? Guessing, Eric