Glassfibre Tissue

Miles Wilkens’ book illustrates the use of glassfibre tissue very well. Can anyone tell me where this product is available on the US side of the pond?



Do a Google search for fiberlay. They are out of Seattle and have fiberglass, kevlar and carbon veil at .3 or .4 oz per yard. Hope this helps.

Most boatyards or chandlery shops in the UK seem to have it, guess it’s the same over there!



I researched this subject over here in the UK, and finally settled on West Systems.

Turns out they’re a division of West Systems Inc (try a google).

BTW, they also have products which allow for the fabrication of composite panels using glass, carbon and aramid fabrics, as well as the full range of gel coats, high build primers, resin impregnators and dispensing pumps, etc.

No connection, just happy with their products, and an excellent technical back-up service.


Most good hobby shops that sell remote control airplanes sell glass fiber tissue. You use so little to do many small repairs and they usually sell the material in a small bag.
Hey, we are not the only ones that do fiberglass!

Another place is

I have had very good luck with West Systems. Pricey in small amounts, but definitely amazing.

I used it on a rotted 6x8x12 inch douglas fir beam which was rotted. Filled the rot with holes, filled the holes with West Epoxy.

Wallah! Hard as a rock and stable. Which is more than you can say for me…