Girling servo service manual

Hi all,

A long time ago someone disassembled my 1971 Elan +2’s Girling servo in order to repair it, just to find that a membrane can’t be obtained.
I purchased a new membrane lately, but no one seems to know how to assemble it.
I remember that I once saw a manual created by Girling for the servo.
Is there a chance one of you guys have it and would be able to upload it here?


I found this whist surfing once (I know its for Rovers!)
Hope it helps


…part way down the page, is this what you’re looking for? - … _sheet.htm

:arrow_right: Matthew

I found this Volvo sight today loads of Girling servo stuff. … age_en.htm

Also look in the P1800 service manual under brakes.


Aaah yes, the great Girling service brochure…which has the crucial page 2b missing. Anyone got a scan of the missing page, perchance?


I?m not sure from the comments if this is a MK1 or MK2b servo? However I attach a copy of the second page of the MK2B.

If you need any other pages let me know.

MK2B PAGE 2.pdf (415 KB)

Thanks but not the page I was after, and seems to be from a different doc. The one that’s missing from Volvo download has 6A-2B at the top, and a schematic showing in pics how the booster operates.
