I’ve always been a bit confused about colours for these elements, and appreciate it’s hardly a deal breaker but I would like to get it correct as I have the opportunity to do so.
So mid 1968 +2 - any idea what the correct colours are for gearbox and bellhousing?
The original paint on the gearbox of my 68 S4 was a dark (ish) green. There was very little paint left on the bell housing, but certainly no signs of any green colour, so I went with black when I repainted that part.
I made up a green that reasonably matched the original paint on the gearbox by mixing together a mid green enamel and a dark green enamel. Cant now remember exactly what make of paint it was, just decent quality enamel which has lasted well for thirty odd years, so I don’t think it needs to be anything too special.
I used a hardened dark green from Eastwood that was left over from a friends Model T Ford. I think it was correct for the Model T engine and looks great. Gary
I am having my box rebuilt at the moment by ‘Promotor’ Al, and I did quite a bit of trawling through old threads on this subject before choosing the colour.
While its not completely relevant to the OP’s question, I am pretty sure my '71 Sprint would have come out of the factory with a green box and tailshaft, and with a black bellhousing.
I bought a new gearbox for an Elan in 1982, not old stock. If I remember rightly, it is an olive green colour. Unfortunately it is to far buried to take a picture, but I will see what I can do over the Christmas holidays. I still have the receipt.