Gearbox advice

Now that the end of our farther sone 26R project is dawning. I am beginning to collect parts for my plus 2.
I have been told that my car was an s130 but I am not sure if it was a 4 or 5. I ideally want a 5 speed box as I will be using it daily (or frequently anyway). I would therefore like to know which box would be best. I have heard that the lotus box is very bad but what do experts say? There is a 5 speed 2000e box, is that any good?
Best regards, P

Hi Peter

Nothing wrong with the Lotus 5 speed in an Elan. OK, it has some parts from the Maxi in it but it’s fine up to 160BHP (so I read). I think more than that and you are pushing its capabilities. The gearshift is often complained about but you can fix that easily enough, with a little bit of the old “Vince Reynard Magic”:


The only problem is the price premium these original boxes command.

Tell me about it, I was speaking to a pal the other day (Yes I do have friends :laughing: ), he said that a decent one would fetch around ?1 500 and for that, I would expect perfection. I think that the 2000E is the best and now I have found a 5 speed, it is probably the route I will go down. I often found with my s3 that it was difficult to get into gear as it was a snappy box, either in or out and that made a quick change very difficult.
Best regards, P

Peter if you are after an overdriven 5th gear i would check the ratio’s on the 5 speed 2000E as the one I’ve seen was for racing with a 1:1 5th gear

Ok, I’ll look into it.
My other option is to put Ford Mk9 box in it which is five speed. The only alteration to the shell would be to move the the hole for the lever back about 3 inches (apparently), that would perhaps be an easy alternative to the Lotus 5 speed.
Best regards, P

Alan Voights produces a Type 9 5 speed gearbox modified to keep the gear change in the same place. All available as a drop in kit, but not cheap.

When you say not cheap, how expensive is not cheap? I am sure it can’t be any worse than the shock I had when I found out that the cost of a carrell break light was for one side only :frowning: … N6xs2YHoVc
If it’s too much, I think I can live with the selector in the wrong place…
Best regards, P

I believe the complete Voight T9 conversion is currently ?2500.

Yep, I can live with a hole being in the wrong place.
Best regards, P

Despite the cost, the advantage of a Voight 5 speed T9 conversion g/b is the range of gear sets available from BGH Geartech and their uprated synchro baulk rings and bearings.


Thank you Malcolm, I will look into it.
Best regards, P

Just a point, as I understand it, the Voigts 5 speed gearbox assembly is ?2500.00 plus VAT if you are a private buyer and in the UK, therefore ?3000.00.
It does include a complete new clutch assembly with a concentric slave cylinder, new tail shaft yoke and even every screw you will need. That is, everything between the flywheel and the prop shaft.
The next problem is the waiting list.
Eric in Burnley
1967 S3SE DHC

When you put it like that, it does not sound bad, I would imagine that once you have priced up a gear box rebuild and bought all of the required fittings (which I do not have anyway) it would probably be similar in price.
I’ll see what the budget allows once the 26R is finished.
Best regards, P

Do you need to source an appropriate T9 gearbox (there are different variations) for Voights plus the ?2500 + vat or is the cost as outright purchase?

It is complete and ready for fitting.
New cast aluminium bellhousing, new clutch assembly, rebuilt gearbox, new aluminium tailshaft casting and yoke.
All screws, and even wire if you have a reversing switch.
Search for Elan 5 speed conversion and you should find it.
I have not got one myself but I saw them when they were overhauling my diff. and I was impressed.
I know Mark (son of) as he sometimes comes to our local Club Lotus meetings.
Eric in Burnley

Thank you very much Eric in Burnley, I think that rout I will go down.
Best regards, P

Be prepared for a long wait. I placed an order for the Voigts 5-speed at the beginning of the year. Now in 11th month. No idea when it might be supplied.

Good lord, that is a very long time. I’m in no rush as I can’t get insurance until I am in my 20s anyway :laughing:
I had planned on driving it to college but I have big plans for my car that will make it way too quick for insurance…
Best regards, P

The Voights conversion has already been discussed here. With a standard Ford T9 the gear lever is about 10.75 inches aft if its position on a Lotus four speed, hence the significant effort that has gone into the design of the Voights conversion. Still there is no free lunch, the Voights conversions requires modifications to the chassis prior to installation. The aperture in stiffening panel at the front of the backbone needs to be opened up at the top to clear the Voights tail housing.

Thanks, Eric.