Garage/mechanic in Beds/Bucks

Has anyone got any recommendations for a garage or mechanic in the Milton Keynes/Bedford area that would do a good job on my Sprint?

Just routine servicing and possibly some minor enhancements (TT UJ’s, roll cage etc). I had planned to work on the car myself, but I am struggling to get the time …



I guess not then! :laughing:

Sorry I am in your location but I do all the spannering myself.

Try Denford garage 01832 732358 ask for John. He is a proper mechanic who did his apprenticeship with a Lotus garage. He still knows what carbs and points are.

Alternatively try Stuart Petit on 01604 890317 who main does classic MG.

You could try Portini, based near Northampton. They do a lot of classic resto work but can sometimes fit in a bit of mech & body repair. They had a Lotus XI on display at Donningon which they had just finished for a Dutch Client. Beautiful…

Workshop no. 01604 644982 , but they are busy and are not really a servicing outfit. They have done some work on my +2 for me when I pleaded!
Worth a try.


Thanks for the info guys. I may also try the Morgan dealer in Cranfield. They used to MOT my Caterham and I know they service Elises and M100 Elan’s. They also have a trim shop etc.

I have used a Classic Car specilaist called Richard Shrive Sportscars who has undertaken some head refurbishment works and is based in Greenfield, Beds the contact is 01525 717346 or 07976 747364
e-mail [email protected]
