ok —ALL THE NEW BEARINGS SHIFT FORKS - LAY SHAFT AND ASSORTED BITS ARE IN PLACE AND IN THE CAR —Thanks to Bill at VMS racing for bailing me out of a tight spot —needs a few bits hung on and were mobile —if the weather holds a week or more before the snow it will get a shake down run before storage -
-happy happy joy joy --Ed
… 7 + Twincam !?!
S3 and S4 Sevens delivered to the US were commonly (perhaps always?) fitted with Twin Cams. I am far from an expert on this matter but most S3 and S4 that I have seen in the US for the past 35+ years have been in this configuration.
over ere according to 'Legend of the Lotus 7 [Ortenburger ] everything from Ford flat head motors to low yield nuclear devices have powered the 7 at one time or another —ed
I knew that …
Was just notifying the fact that it was not an Elan …
Love your red one Brian … Early head , black cover , hummmmm!
Have a nice sunday .
Just from memory but I believe that all S4’s left the factory powered only with Twin Cams
The Scuttle height on the S3 needed raising in order to accommodate the Twinc’ which was incorporated into the production Caterhams.
From this stage onwards 7’s disappointingly slowly grew both dimensionally & technically in most directions.
I don’t think many Twin Cam S3’s were built by Lotus as the Manufacturing rights of the 7 were sold to Caterham.
It’s all in the appropriate books somewhere but Sun & Blue Sky is beckoning me outside.
Only 13 twin cam S3s were built by the factory, John, known as the SS. The S4 did have many more, but also used the 1600 GT Kent engine as the cooking model.
Hi Christian —7 s are-much safer for me than mentioning Elans on this site --ed
Thanks for putting the record straight Mark, me & my memory; now why did I come upstairs?
JUST IN FROM A QUICK LAP -tingly ears crusty nose and all thawing out with some strong brown liquids —SHIFTS AS CHRISP AS THE ELAN NOW just a treat to up shift and down shift Considering the Rube Goldburg 3 foot long Anglia shift extension that’s a feat -time to close my garage and now its on to the race shop and into the race car [fv] to rebuild for rentals next year -retirement just doesn’t get any better than this----- ED
The sun is shinning and it’s perfect top down weather. Off for a run in the mountains. Short sleeves until dusk.
Rob Walker