Fuel tank sender unit

can someone who has a spare fuel tank sender unit for a +2 please measure the length of the pivoting arm that holds the float for me please?

I am trying to find one on ebay, and have found one that is TB1214/000 as opposed to TB1214/004 quoted as the right one at the GGLC site. My tank is full, my tags not updated, so kinda hard to get mine out of the tank to measure.

thanks in advance

Leif, I have a new tank sender unit here, smiths part no tb1214/001w and it is nothing like the right item ? This one is for tank top mounting ! So be careful when buying a close numbered item as it may not suit.

Hello Leif,

Re the +2 sender unit, the length of the arm and float is 220mm. I have some in stock.

                  Andy Wiltshire
                  Axminster Specialist Panels