Fuel Pump

I have just removed the webers from my +2s130 and thought I would have a look at the fuel pump. In the manuel the only pump described has a domed glass top cover. Mine doesnt have this.
Does anyone have an idea what pump I have and is it an original fitting?
I had thought to overhaul it while the carbs are off.

IMHO blank off the mechanical pump and fit an electric one :smiley:

BTW you can get the blanking plate from QED.


The mechanical pump is probably a replacement one (most of them didn’t have glass domes). If it fails it will leak petrol into the engine and dilute the oil. Not good for a twink!

I replied to your message but forgot to mention blocking off the mechanical mounting point. Thanks steveww!



I agree with Steve. I blanked mine off with a nice aluminum cover and have an electric pump in the boot. Much quicker to start, especially when it is hot, as it often is here in Forida.

I have no desire to buck the trend of these responses, or make any recommendation, however, I did notice an original type fuel pump on ebay earlier this evening - glass domed and brand new I think. If you are interested, do a search for 105E and you’ll find it.

The original pumps (with the glass bowl) were made by AC Delco (as were the airboxes). I have never had any problems with mine and the glass bowl has beeen quite useful at times when trying to work out why the car would not start. The glass dome seals on a rubber gasket in much the same way as the top of the ‘flat’ type so I don’t see why it should leak any more than the others. There is also a filter in the dome to stop junk from the fuel tank blocking the carbs.
