Fuel leak

I’m only going to put mine forward 1hr :laughing:

There’s the 1st one on the hook!!

:laughing: :laughing:


Hmm, may have spoke too soon.

Car hasn’t moved for 2 days while doing the speedo drive and box mount. Started up tonight to back off the ramps and guess what? Petrol leak! :smiling_imp:

Have nipped it up again and so far ok (couple of minutes running) but I’m feeling less confident about the possibility I have cured it…

Watch this space…

Fingers crossed Robbie…

Hope its ok…

Alex B… :sunglasses:

Hi Robbie,
If it does still leak don’t panic - it could be that the olive has crimped onto the pipe before reaching the champfer inside the fitting. This can happen if the olive is a tight fit on the pipe and doesn’t slide along as you tighten up the nut. If this is the case just undo the fitting and trim a couple of mm off the end of the pipe then try again. I’ve had this happen a couple of times with plumbing compression fittings so I always loose assemble then pull the pipe out slightly before tightening up to make sure it doesn’t bottom out before the olive is seated.

Hope it’s OK. Don’t give up you’ll get there in the end.

All the best.